December - 2013 issue
The rapid acceleration of the “Nexus of Forces” more specifically Social, Mobile, Cloud and Info... more>>
In a tightly interweaved world of conversations, businesses receive feedback and criticism from ever... more>>
November - 2013 issue
Implementing IT as a strategic enabler
In the past few years numerous applications are rounding the devices and so are created on a daily... more>>
Data Data Everywhere, Have You Begun to Link?
With the explosion of data from multiple growing channels in a variety of forms, it is imperative th... more>>
October - 2013 issue
With technology becoming all pervasive, businesses are increasingly focused on optimizing their IT i... more>>
Akin to many new technologies that affirmed to be the next big phenomenon , Cloud computing promised... more>>
September - 2013 issue
Eighteen years back, the first cellular call was made in India and today we stand at around 920 mill... more>>
The rate of the growth of data has increased exponentially. The amount of data which was accumulated... more>>
August - 2013 issue
After having successfully worked with the USSS and having delivered several cyber security defense p... more>>
It is estimated that the total retail sales in India will grow from $395.96 billion in 2011 to $785.... more>>
July - 2013 issue
The high demand for IT services is driven by the rapid technological advances and this demand will c... more>>
Technical innovations and market trends have led to proliferation of Wi-Fi. But with its rapid expan... more>>
June - 2013 issue
The Indian healthcare industry holds immense potential. ... more>>
The U.S. healthcare system has arrived at a crossroad of competing priorities—priorities represent... more>>
April - 2013 issue
Beware the TCO Trap: Confessions of a Recovering Techno
Founded in 1996, Ariba is a provider of collaborative business commerce solutions. The Sunnyvale hea... more>>
With the number and kinds of devices proliferating and companies - big and small- and homes becoming... more>>
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